Come and join us for an hour of spiritual nurturing at the hands of the Angels and Masters through the channelling of Edwin Courtenay.
Edwin and Andrew are delighted to invite you to an opportunity to feast on the light and wisdom, comfort and healing of the spiritual realms and participate in prayer, meditation and the receiving of guidance and direction from the spiritual hierarchy through live trance channellings.
The first service of the month is an Earth Healing Service and comprises of an opening prayer, an extra long Earth healing meditation and a lengthy live trance channelling from the either the Angels or Ascended Masters. Concluding with a blessing to send you on your way.
The second service of the month is a Divine Service - it comprises of an opening prayer, a shorter meditation for personal spiritual communion and nurture which often features a small channelling from spirit, plus 30 minutes of ascension mediumship and spiritual clairvoyance. Messages given by Edwin to those chosen by spirit who are in attendance. The service concludes with a prayer blessing to take with you into the week ahead. The whole of the Earth Healing services will be recorded but only the channelling, meditation and blessing (NOT the messages) of the Divine Services. These recordings are then made available for FREE DOWNLOAD after the service at the bottom of this page for you to use time and time again.
The service is completely FREE but you can and would like you may choose to leave a donation to one of our suggested charities by clicking on the buttons below.