FREE - Crystal Skull Light Transmission Update |
Date: Sunday 19th January | ┃Time: 11am - 4pm | ┃Location: Your House> | ┃Cost: FREE | ┃ See below to register |
The Conclave - the crystal skull collective consciousness - sometimes called The Ancient now sends out a clarion call to the lightworkers of the world!
“Potentially difficult times lay ahead in 2025 - for the planet and her children, for mankind and for the Light Workers themselves. Whose increasing sensitivity makes them more vulnerable to challenges from the fear and pain broadcast from the collective unconscious mind. In order to meet these challenges safely the divine is releasing codes, keys and ascension upgrades for the lightworkers through and from the crystal skull collective. FREE to all who might want or need them at this time. As well as powerful new techniques that might be used to survive the coming storm and triumph over darkness.”
This workshop draws upon Edwin's ability to channel those crystal skulls he is guardian of, so that they might speak directly to the lightworkers gathered imparting their messages and prophecy for 2025. And so that through meditation, attunement and channelling via the quantum field impart those codes and keys needed to be prepared. As well as providing techniques and methods that might be deployed for greater personal protection and anchoring of the light.
The Workshop will include:
- Updates regarding the ascension plan for the world
- Downloads for the God speak chakra (the occipital lobe centre) to better protect lightworkers from the collective unconscious and better enable their ability to positively effect the collective field
- Upgrades for the causal chakra (the higher brow centre) to better strengthen connection to the light and facilitate higher understanding of the global and personal plan
- Light codes for the merkabah light body vehicle shift that it might better protect lightworkers and facilitate higher dimensional and temporal integration promoting personal and planetary ascension and shift into “real time” safely
- How to collapse timelines shifting the self from both personal and global negative prediction pathways into more positive states of actuality - grounding higher possibility for the self and the world
To receive the associated material you MUST ATTEND in person as the accompanying downloads and activations etc must be experienced live. ALL who attend will receive copies of the notes, images and an audio recording. This is a pass-along-workshop and may be taught to others. Please register for this workshop by emailing Andrew on
We present this event partly as a thank you from us for the support shown in the past and partly to tend to the need of the lightworkers of the world at this moment in time. Come then to the clarion call and receive what you might need now to embrace the year ahead in light, love and truth - so mote it be - amen.