UK Time
Ascension Tarot Reading - £60
Available from 7pm B.S.T. on Thursday 30th May

Ascension Tarot Readings
Edwin has long been a student of the Tarot and over the years has developed his own system for working with these powerful cards in a higher vibrational way.

This reading uses the cards to focus on providing the client with a snap shot of their energy system at this moment in time and its possibly blockages. The reading moves on to focus on the clients psychical and spiritual potential and those past lives which are significant for the clients spiritual progress.

The reading concludes by looking at those guarding and guiding Ascended Master and Archangelic patrons working with the client and the general way forwards spiritually for the next 6 months.

The reading is approximately 30 minutes in length and no questions are allowed.

Who is this for?
This reading is perfect for those on the ascension path - the path of the light worker - or higher spiritual journey seeking guidance to help them move forwards for the next 6 months of their life.

  • Edwin will only accept personal readings bought by the payee for the payee. The reason for this is to ensure that infomation brought forward is always provided in accordance with permission from the client. If you want to buy a service from Edwin for someone else please give them the means to do so i.e. give them the money.
  • You will receive a confirmation email of the reading type and date.
  • The reading is recorded absently and made available to you via your account. This is NOT a phone or zoom reading.
  • This is a spiritual reading for those journeying on the their spitiual path and focuses on these topics only.
  • The minimum age for readings and spiritual consultations from Edwin is 21.
  • The reading is conducted on the booked date and time and digitally recorded absently and sent to the client via email.
  • Edwin will only accept personal readings bought by the payee for the payee.

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