UK Time
Kwan Yin Channelling
The Lionsgate Portal is said to be a cosmic event that occurs every year between July 28 and August 12 peaking on August the 8th - the 8th day of the 8th month. It takes place when the sun in Leo, the Earth, Orion's Belt and the star Sirius are in alignment, which is activated by the rising of the star Sirius itself.

Some believe that the opening of the gate delivers high-frequency energy into our beings, allowing us to rebirth our spirit energy and the spirit energy of the Earth Mother. A high-frequency energy that can also be used to open our energy centres, inspire new ideas, raise consciousness, and enhance our ability to receive psychic downloads!

This year's Lionsgate portal is particularly important and powerful because we are in an 8 year - 2024 - 2+0+2+4=8 meaning that the alignment of the 8/8 becomes amplified into an 8/8/8!!

Kwan Yin - the Lady Ascended Master patron of the year and patroness of the 8th ray, will combine forces with the Pashchat - the extra dimensional and extra temporal star beings of Sirius to bring us a powerful atunement to the energies of the day. Helping us to receive a powerful download of ascension codes, keys and updates that we will need at this moment in time to see us through the year and beyond it. Explaining to us the nature of the keys of light and how we might use them.

Click below to download the channelling from Kwan Yin.